The set consists of Moss Agate, Labradorite, Blood Stone, Unasete, Green Amethyst, Green Aventurine, Green Jade, Kiwi Jasper, Serpentine, Smoky Quartz, Black Tourmaline, Black Agate, Snow Flake Obsidian, Hematite, Selenite, Tigers Eye, Phrenite, Pink Tourmaline, Apatite, Pink Opal, Crystal, Rose Quartz, Rhodonite, Moonstone, Chryscolla, Red Crystal, Fluorite, Brazilian Amethyst, Amethyst and Sunstone. These stones aid in healing, protecting the aura, enhancing vitality, balancing physical and emotional energies, transforming negative energy into positive love energy, relieving chronic fatigue/exhaustion, provide cleansing and protective properties, promote calmness, protect from psychic negativity, foster stability and inner strength, enhance creativity and mental clarity, promote self-love, and reduce stress, fostering a calming effect. For optimal results, place these tumbled stones in a plate or bowl near you—in your bedroom, living room, or on your work/study desk
This set includes 30 Tumbled Stones designed to enhance your physical, emotional, spiritual and mental well-being, while keeping you protected from negative energies. This tumble set weighs approx. 550 g.
Tumble Set-Ultimate Health and Protection
Rs. 1,750.00
500 - 750 g